
Being featured in an industry magazine is one thing. Being featured in this project is entirely another. At least to me...this is such a deeply personal, totally beautiful project created by the amazing Amy Grace from A Beautiful Life Photo. The images and the words that have been contributed there are so beyond beautiful that I do not feel worthy. Seriously.

I often struggle with trying to create work for myself that is meaningful to me...and trying to create commissioned work where that meaning carries over. Where is the fine do I capture what other people want and what I want at the same time. I struggle and wonder if I should become more like other photographers. If I should do things 'the way everyone has always done them'(or the way that is popular in the moment)...or if I should just keep doing my own thing. When I see the work of the photographers in this project...the personal work that they have shared, the answer is so clear.

So, head on over to Motherhood With A Camera and enjoy browsing at everyone else's work. Mine is in there, too ;)

~ Dana


New Eyes


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